November 2007

TOTALLY not updating when I should be writing my novel (as this month is Nanowrimo :D). To answer a few of the questions from my last update; from Yunri about Tables ID #21 (the Hana Kimi one) the header does not blend into the background on every resolution. Its hard to get it to do so when the layout is centered. To all that wished me good luck on my road test - thanks! I won! Er, I passed and got my license yeeyz :D Aaaand Alli, yes that is Yamamoto Yusuke. He's such a cutie :D I WANT HIS FL.

Here's what's been added:
- One new DIV layout, ID #24
- Another new DIV layout, ID #25
- Eight new music icons
- Ten new actor icons

Oh, right, I forgot to mention Hari's new layout :D As if you hadn't noticed, frequent visitors (all four of you?). It is smaller than the previous one, less overwhelming, with more clam colors and lots of different stuff. I am totally amazing am such a procrastinator was beginning to get tired of looking at the other one.

The new premade layouts were designed using the same style, a style developed for my domain's linkage page that I liked a lot. Its also a style that many premades are not available in (a sort of cleaner style). It was a new experiment for me, and it was really really fun. All three layouts came out with satisfaction on my part. Its very rare.

I'm thinking next I need to make some new wallpapers O.o What do you think?

The end :D See you guys next update!

Hieica died @ 7:31 PM on 11/21/07
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