Hi, I'm back again. Again. This website is only ever updated whenever I feel like updating it O.o; But this time! This time, I bring you a crap load of content in icon form. I was never really one for icon spree-ing, but I did it once, and never got around to adding them all here until now. So, be prepared, and please enjoy :)
Super awesome amazing update list, I choose you!
- One DIV layout, id #29
- Another DIV layout, id #30
- 1, as in a single new actor icon
- 3 new music icons
- 20 new animanga icons
- 52 new game icons
The two new layouts are premades I designed for Patchwork, a Blank (FF9) mini-tribute, and Re:CRUSH, an Ulquiorra Schiffer (Bleach) mini-tribute :D I made new wallpapers too, but I'm too lazy to add them right now :(
Yukinu/Cindy has informed me that AF will soon be remade into a portfolio, so expect to see that soon :) Also, any people who sent me affiliation e-mails, please re-send them. I've been pretty much ignoring everything in my online life since my mother's attempted suicide, so please bear with me :/
Enjoy the new content :)