August 2007

Hiya peeps! I'm back from my vacation I forgot to inform most of you about. ^.^;; But I bring hidden goodies! Some of you may have noticed that I have added a few things without telling anyone or announcing anything. You guys are smarty-pantses :D And I'm updating! Look, a whole two updates! WOW! You may want to thank Sakuya for that though. Every time we talk "BLEH UPDATE HARI BLEH" ♥ And now I should probably go work on that comic thing before the deadline... grah.

Here's what's been added:
- One new DIV layout, ID #21
- One new tables layout, ID #18
- Another new tables layout, ID #19
- Yet another new tables layout, ID #20
- Three new music icons
- Two new anime icons
- Two new game icons added to set #002
- Two new anime wallpapers
- One new game wallpaper

Also, I now have six affiliates, and here's shameless plugging for them! aikagi., CUT, Dies Irae, Invisus Designs, nonvideriDesigns, and! You guys better pop in and say hey-o. Affiliation is still open, too.

Also I have two link exchanges with a few more hopefully on the way. So go visit Jevinne and, okay?

I think that's it, but I could be wrong. Whatever :D

Hieica died @ 11:58 PM on 08/08/07
Check out the older updates?