Hello again, my few visitors :3 Does every three months count as regular updating? xD; I'm not going to lie and tell you that I might be updating faster now. Because its so not true o.o; I really only update Harienju when I feel up to it, and most visitors would know that by now :)
Are you curious at all, or do you just hate me? xD;
Additions are hurr:
- One new DIV layout, ID #031
- One new Game Wallpaper ID #007
- Two new actor icons
- Three new music icons
I am currently in progress of updating the style of my layout pages (mainly just the PReview and Download links that looked weird). I finished the DIV section, but as for the rest... I'm too lazy right now *.*; Oh right, Hari has a new main layout! xD; It features the lovely and more-effeminate-than-me Satsuki, previously the vocalist of RENTRER EN SOI. Go listen to his single, AWAKE. Right now. Youtube it.
Also, please welcome Manda of Your Final Demise as Harienju's newest affiliate :) Sorry it took so long to add you ^.^;; I'm not going to lie, I've been very rude to people who are e-mailing me lately. Its been extremely hectic with the whole thing with my mother, and I'm sorry if I ignored you. Please e-mail me again, and I'll definitely try to get back to you this time.
Sorry for being a pain in the butt all the time ^.^; My life pretty much sucks intensely right now, and I hope I can eventually begin to update Hari regularly once more.
And now I will shamelessly plug my own online comic xD; As always, thank you for visiting :)