
Welcome to an untitled premade tables layout by yours truly, Hieica. ^.^ This layout features Hyde, from the japanese band L'Arc~en~ciel. You know he's hot. I don't listen to the band very much, but Hyde is very pleasing to the eyes, and I saw this picture somewhere and had to use it >.>;; Brushes from Papercuts and Project Zero.

See the box thing up there with the six buttons that all look the same? If you have any affiliates or something, it would be used to hold six 88x31 buttons to link to your affies, or a couple more smaller ones, if they were say 88x15, or you could have a little bit of information about yourself in there. Yeah.

This is the box. Instead of this layout being entirely tables, I wanted to make it look slightly table-y, so instead of this being called "content", it's term is "box". It can be used for updates or whatever you want, or you can just never use it at all. ^.^;;


It'll take a lot of text and type-age to fill this whole thing, cuz it looks cooler when the text ends right as the side image of Hyde does. Yup, cooler. See? See the much cooler-ness? DO YOU SEE IT?
Hieica died

So, feel free to do whatever you want. ^.^ Have fun, chickadees~!

Italic Bold Underlined



...go back to Harienju and click the nifty little download link. ^.^ And here are some extras for youuuu~