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Welcome Old Melody, a premade divider layout provided by Vii of Harienju. This layout features Azumi Tohru's doujinshi artwork of Urameshi Yusuke and Kurama from the animanga series Yu Yu Hakusho. Resources are from Carton and 99mb. I grew up on Yu Yu Hakusho, and it brings back a lot of sentimental feelings to design with YYH characters once again :x I hope you get a nice sentimental feeling from this layout too~


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~♥ Vii


Date here?

LYKHOMGBBQABOXZOMGNOWAIZ. This is absolutely amazing. You wish you had such an amazing box. But you don't. Sorry :/ I hope you don't get too jealous of my BOXOAWSUM :D Wow, I certainly know how to sound like an idiot when typing in filler text. Congratulations to me~! Yes, yes, I know, thank you so much for the compliments! T.T You rock D:

